Archive by Author

Fundamental Attribution Error

I’ve observed this phenomenon before but I never knew it had a name: the fundamental attribution error. If I tried to explain it I’d probably screw it up. Here’s what Clay Shirky had to say about it in his new book Cognitive Surplus (affiliate link): In short, it’s the name given to tendency of people […]

Buttons of Hope

I got a package in the mail today. It was a book. I didn’t think it would come. But it did. It was a book I had bought and received a few weeks ago. I already had it, but I gave it away. I gave my book away to someone who needed it more than […]

When Price Doesn’t Matter

There are really only two situations when price doesn’t matter: When you want the absolute best When you only have one option As a product or service provider, you should aim for the first category. To make a product or service that people will pay a premium for. To target the people who won’t settle […]

Name Dropping

Trying to establish yourself as a subject matter expert? Credibility is key. Getting your name mentioned in a credible source or having an article you’ve written get published by a trusted blog or magazine goes a long way in proving you are a credible subject matter expert. But it’s hard getting published in trade magazines […]

Don’t Waste It

Last week I had the good fortune to attend the Seth Godin Live event in Atlanta. I wasn’t able to stay for the whole day but the morning session was amazing and full of insight. I could write for pages and pages about the things Seth talked about that day but one point in particular […]