Five Links for Friday #1
Here is something new I want to try. I spend a lot of time on the Internet browsing, discovering, asking questions, answering questions and so on. I see a lot of junk but I also see a lot of really good content.
Every Friday I’m going to share five links with you that I encountered in the previous week. Some will be helpful, some will be funny, others just things that I found interesting. I hope you enjoy.
- Encrypt your web browsing session – This comes via Gina Trapani at Lifehacker. With wireless hotspots becoming more and more ubiquitous you need to keep yourself safe when using open networks (there are a lot of baddies out there). Protect yourself when using open networks by connecting securely to a trusted network.
- Set up SSH Server for Windows Server 2003 – SSH isn’t native to Windows so I installed the SSH package using Cygwin on my client PC (laptop running Windows 7). That install was pure vanilla but my server PC (running Windows Server 2003) required a little more configuring. This tutorial walked me through the process.
- A Declaration of Cyber War – The Stuxnet Story – Unless you live under a rock you probably heard about the Stuxnet worm that targeted the nuclear “power plants” in Iran. This story from Vanity Fair provides an in-depth review of the event and offers some insights and theories on who might have been behind the attack. It’s a really good read.
- Simple Shell Scripting Guide – I just installed the latest Ubuntu release on a broke-ass Windows computer in my office. I wanted to run a script at startup and forgot how to write a simple shell script. This tutorial helped jog my memory.
- Add Microsoft fonts to Ubuntu – After the Ubuntu install I started browsing the web and noticed a lot of sites not looking quite right (including my own). Guess what? Microsoft fonts don’t come pre-packaged in Ubuntu. What are Microsoft fonts? Impact, Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman…pretty much the main fonts everyone uses and doesn’t think twice about. This tutorial walked me through installing the MS font package on Ubuntu.
These were a little tech-heavy but that’s what I’ve been up to this week. Five more links coming at you next Friday.
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