Tag Archives: tips

PDF Print vs. Save As

Just noticed something odd about converting a Word 2007 document to PDF. If you have a Word document that contains links and want those links to be active in the PDF file, you’ll need to use either of these two options: (1) click “Save As” then select “Adobe PDF” or (2) click “Acrobat” then select […]

Minimize Send Regret

Ever fire off an email and then immediately regret it after you hit the “Send” button? Perhaps you forgot to add the attachment. Maybe you didn’t include a key point. Maybe you said something really stupid or mean. Did you forget to CC someone on the mail? Regardless of the circumstances, we’ve all done it. […]

Learning from Adversity

Lemons and lemonade. Earlier I wrote about my website getting hacked and about what I did to fix the situation. This post is about the lessons I took away from the experience and about making the most of a crummy situation. First off let me disclose that I am not a computer security expert. I […]

Why Amazon Prime is Amazing

Wednesday morning around 8:15am I ordered two books from Amazon.com. On Thursday afternoon at 1:11pm, they were delivered to my doorstep. The cost? $17.81 for book number one, $16.47 for book number two and $0.00 for shipping. A total of $34.28 for two hardcover books, hand delivered to my door not 29 hours after I […]